Jan 25, 2012

A few facts about Food Stamps

The Food Stamps program today is called the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), which emphasizes that the program is not meant to provide enough food for a family for a month. In 2008, when the United States Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service announced the name change, the press release stated that the program is designed to provide “a vital supplement to the food budgets,” of the recipients.

Jan 24, 2012

Tax assistance program at the Work Station

The tax assistance program at The Work Station in The Plains is now open on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays to help area residents with their basic income tax forms.

Jan 17, 2012

Presidential candidates claim credit for welfare reform, but what did the reforms really accomplish?

In recent campaign speeches and debates, presidential candidates Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum have both claimed credit for welfare reform and promised additional reforms if elected. And over the last 15 years, Democrats and Republicans alike have all proclaimed welfare reform to be a bipartisan success. But what really happened with welfare reform and what exactly are these political leaders basing their claims on?