Mar 26, 2013

Comments from a few of our clients

Over the last year, Athens County Job and Family Services has invited our clients to tell us about some of the challenges and struggles they are facing.

Mar 18, 2013

A chance to hear from a few of our clients

Over the last year, Athens County Job and Family Services has invited our clients to tell us about some of the challenges and struggles they are facing.
As Ohio’s leaders deliberate over the state’s next two-year budget, we will be posting a few of these comments each week so that you can hear from some of our neighbors about the obstacles they face every day. We hope our leaders will look at how the budget impacts families who are just trying to survive, instead of only looking at the budget as a series of numbers and dollar signs.

Mar 13, 2013

State budget testimony discusses ways to improve Ohio's public assistance programs

On Tuesday, March 12, Athens County Job and Family Services Director Jack Frech testified about the state budget proposal before the Health and Human Service Sub-Committee of the Ohio House Finance and Appropriations Committee. Here is a copy of his testimony.
Ohio Governor John Kasich has expressed his concern for the poor, elderly and disabled.  He has supported services to keep the elderly and disabled in their own homes and has expressed concern for homeless people living under bridges.  While his support of Medicaid expansion is a critical step in protecting our most vulnerable citizens, it belies the hardships that his current policies and proposed budget pose for the poorest families with children.

Mar 12, 2013

Comments from a few of our clients

Here are some brief comments from a few of our clients about the challenges they face.
“I am having a hard time being able to provide for my son with many things he is needs, as he is growing.  I always pay my bills first so that we do not go without any of the most important things each month, but after all my bills are paid, I feel as if we have nothing else.  I struggle every week to be able to put gas in my car, buy diapers, clothes and any other expenses that may come up.  I am happy with what assistance I receive, but I don’t believe the state understands how much my family does suffer every month while I am trying to better my life for my son and myself.”

Mar 7, 2013

Local employers encouraged to take part in upcoming Job Fair in Athens

A regional Job Fair will be held in Athens on Wednesday, April 17. All local employers are encouraged to take part in the event even if they don’t currently have any positions open.
 The Job Fair, which is one of the largest in southeastern Ohio, is being coordinated by The Work Station in Athens County, the Meigs County One-Stop Jobs Center, and the Perry County 1-Stop Jobs Center.

Mar 6, 2013

Interesting article on Ohio's welfare system

Columnist Thomas Suddes wrote a very interesting piece this week on the current state of the welfare program in Ohio. Suddes writes for the Cleveland Plain Dealer, and his columns also run in the Columbus Dispatch.

To read to the column on the Cleveland Plain Dealer website, click here.

Mar 5, 2013

Comments from a few of our clients

 Here are some brief comments from a few of our clients about some of the obstacles they face in their lives.