Apr 23, 2014

America’s hunger crisis, and why Washington ignores it

There’s the 99% and the 1%, and then there’s the 16%. The latter number is the proportion of Americans who don’t have enough food to eat, according to the most recent figures on food insecurity.

In absolute numbers, nearly 50 million people in this country—including 16 million children—currently lack sufficient food to live a healthy life.

The numbers are striking on their own, but what’s even more striking is how little attention the problem has received in Washington.

Apr 22, 2014

Support HB 395

House Bill 395 would require the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services to apply to the USDA and accept the federal waiver of time limits for certain SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or food stamp) recipients.

Unemployed adults without dependents between 18-50 years of age who are unable to secure at least 20 hours of paid employment per week are losing their food stamp benefits, and it doesn't have to happen. HB 395 would compel the State of Ohio to accept a federal waiver, restoring the last line of defense against hunger to thousands of needy Ohioans.

Read more from the Ohio Association of Foodbanks.

Apr 15, 2014

What if Wal-Mart paid its employees more?

The Marketplace Wealth & Poverty Desk and Slate report on how much more Wal-Mart might have to charge for some products, if it raised wages high enough that a typical worker earned too much to qualify for food stamps. 

Learn more about their series called The Secret Life of a Food Stamp.

Apr 1, 2014

A Region Reflects: LBJ in Southeast Ohio - 50th Anniversary

You are invited to the “A Region Reflects” gathering, a two-day event to commemorate the 50th anniversary of LBJ’s visit to southeastern Ohio. 

All events are free, including a bus tour on Thursday, April 3 to the Little Cities microregion of Athens, Hocking and Perry Counties. The tour is limited to 50 passengers, so register soon.

There will be an opening symposium on Thursday evening, April 3, in the Baker Center Theater on the Ohio University Campus featuring music and LBJ era journalist and OU Alum Sid Davis. All-day sessions in Ohio University's McCracken Hall (Patton College of Education) covering eight thematic tracks relating to the region's quality of life will take place on Friday, April 4. Friday’s sessions will open with a keynote address from Ron Eller, author of “Uneven Ground: Appalachia since 1945.”
Although all sessions are free, attendees are asked to register so the organizers can project room size needs, handouts, etc. To find out more about the event and to register on-line, please visit:

As the event approaches, if you wish to follow details about the event and read provocative information about poverty in the region and nation follow the facebook page at:  www.facebook.com/lbj.aregionreflects.

Free parking will be available in Lot 104 on Stewart Street across the street from McCracken Hall during Friday's sessions.  A locator map is available on the web site. 

Hope to see many of you and your friends and colleagues at this historic event.

Athens County 211 Reentry Resource List

The Athens County 211 Reentry Resource List was created for individuals leaving prison and rejoining their communities, but this document might be useful to others as well. Please pass it along.