Dear community member,
As a community, we can accomplish far more by working together than we can by working alone. This is especially true for complex issues, like homelessness.
In an effort to support those in our area who are homeless and at risk of homelessness, several community members have come together to organize the area’s very first Stand Down event.
What is a Stand Down?
The word “Stand Down” is a military term and refers to the time when combat units recover from their time on the battlefield. In the civilian world, Stand Down refers to a community-based program designed to help the homeless and those at risk of homelessness connect to the resources they need to address their problems and rebuild their lives. The services at a typical Stand Down can vary from getting a free haircut and getting free clothing and food to receiving legal services, a medical screening and referrals for housing services. Some services, like some medical support and supplies, are available to veterans only.
What we’re able to provide at our Stand Down will depend greatly on the participation of community members like you. Please consider this letter as a formal invitation to participate in this event. We welcome all levels of participation. Your support can come in whatever form you or your organization is most comfortable with – that may mean joining our planning committee, offering a donation, manning a table on the day of the event, volunteering, and anything in between.
Our free and public event will be on Friday, Oct. 7, 2016, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., at the Athens County Fairgrounds.