Jul 2, 2009

Clients face numerous challenges

Many of our clients face a wide range of obstacles that make life very difficult. Reta and Jerald, for example, are a Nelsonville couple raising grandchildren and one great-grandchild while dealing with health problems. Jill is a single mother who is unable to work anymore because of her own health problems. Ashley is an 18-year-old single mother who just earned her GED and is preparing for college in the fall. They are all facing significant challenges, but they are doing whatever they can to overcome these barriers and provide for their families. Click here to read about Reta and Jerald, click here to read about Jill and click here to read about Ashley or watch a video of her telling her story. Click here for several other stories and videos explaining how our clients are overcoming challenges, and how much it would improve their lives if the state would provide more financial assistance.

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