Aug 25, 2009

U.S. Census count will be very important for Athens County

As part of our effort to promote the 2010 U.S. Census Count in southeastern Ohio, Athens County Job and Family Services set up booths at the Athens County Fair and Nelsonville's Parade of the Hills in August. At the booths, we handed out informational materials on the Census, let area residents see samples of the very short Census forms they will be asked to fill out next year, and raffled off two "Athens County Come To Your Census" cornhole sets. We also registered people to vote and provided information on the numerous programs that Athens County Job and Family Services offers for area residents.
Shown in the photos are (top right photo) Nelsonville resident Edith McGee with the cornhole set she won at the Parade of the Hills, and (bottom photo) Athens County Job and Family Services Director Jack Frech and Program Administrator Warren Haydon in the booth at the Athens County Fair.
For more information on how the U.S. Census count will affect the people of Athens County and why the Census count is so important, click here or scroll down and check out some of the other articles and videos on this blog.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great pic!